Article 14-Limiting Idle Wealth
“1. Large
concentrations of idle wealth are inherently dangerous and inhumane.
All income from any and all sources greater than 100 times the median
national income and all wealth of an individual greater than 100
times the median national wealth shall be seized, unless it is
reinvested or donated to charity.”
Wealth is
power and any accumulation of power is dangerous and undemocratic.
But the strongest critique of inequality is one that US conservatives
should heed because it speaks directly to the deepest beliefs of the
great majority of them:
It is un-Christian.
Inequality and
concentrations of wealth are against every Biblical principal, the
expressed word of Christ, and for that matter, against the central
precepts of most major world religions, and most minor ones too.
Christ raged against money changers in the temple. He intoned that it
was easier for a camel to be threaded through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter Heaven. For two millenia, the church has
maintained the idea of Holy Poverty, that the poor are especially
close to God, that the church should be especially concerned with
their fate, that we are all our brother's keeper, and that
materialism and attachment to possessions are unhealthy spiritually.
After all, Jesus lived an ascetic life, one concerned with the
fate of “the least of my brothers,” not a life devoted in any way
to financial profit or accumulating wealth.
Much of modern
conservatism ignores these central messages of Christianity, instead
being far more concerned with what people do with their genitals. To
paraphrase George Orwell, they are only Christians from the waist
down. Another portion of conservatism is devoted to putting personal
profit over the public good. Bizarrely, some libertarians and
conservatives admire Ayn Rand, whose philosophy inspired no less than
the Satanic Church. America as a nation could gain much by returning
to that original Christian message.
Wealth being power,
it is also dangerous unless limited, far more inefficient than its
admirers admit, and destructive to a nation and society to let it
gather and remain idle. In Latin America, there were wars and
revolutions fought for nearly two centuries over latifundias, huge
estates larger than most US counties, kept idle while much of the
public had no land at all, solely because the size of the estate
brought prestige to its owner.
But US elites have
long been even more conspicuous in their obscene displays. The public
saw William Randolph Hearst buy entire castles in Europe to be
reassembled in California. The Astors held a multimillion dollar
party at the height of the Great Depression. Elvis would charter a
jet just to get peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Aaron Spelling
lived in a mansion covering over 6 acres, with rooms devoted just to
wrapping presents. Michael Jackson had his own private zoo and
amusement park with roller coasters and carousels. Numerous CEOs
insist on private jets that cost millions to buy and maintain, while
downsizing their companies and keeping employee wages low. Nike
CEO Phil Knight became an international symbol of inequality at its
most odious, accumulating over $24 billion while paying his
Indonesian workers 14 cents an hour in unsafe sweatshop
conditions. (It took over a decade of protests and boycotts to bring
partial reforms to Nike.)
Such examples are
part of a larger pattern. American elites have far more wealth and
pay compared to their workers, more than anywhere else in the world.
There is far more inequality in the US than in almost all other
developed nations. Only Russia and Slovakia are more unequal. A
Japanese CEO makes slightly less than 70 times what one of their
workers do. In the US, a CEO makes over 350 times an average worker's
pay. Such inequality even horrifies noted conservatives like
commentator George Will, who once said American CEOs are doing what
Karl Marx was unable to do, discredit capitalism.
Such concentrations
of power must be ended for the damage they do to society and
democracy. It is hardly a secret that money buys elections, and
elites purchase favorable laws written for them by a congress
dependent on their support. Barring the use of elite funds in
elections is not enough, for there is no practical way to end
lobbying without limiting or ending the right to petition. Remove the
excess wealth, any wealth that is not devoted to investment or
charity. That way elites will not have funds not only for a
lifestyle that holds the middle and working classes in contempt, but
to influence public sentiment any more than any other person.
The standard
used for this proposal is very generous. A full 100 times the median
annual income of slightly under $27,000 is currently a little under
$2.7 million. 100 times the current median wealth of slightly over
$81,000 is slightly over $8.1 million. If any elites or their
apologists complain this is too harsh, let them try to convince a
waitress or bus driver that elites “need” more than $2.7 million
a year to live on, or “need” a home worth over $8 million.
There is absolutely
no way that a CEO is worth 350 times more than an average worker. It
defies logic and basic morality. If anything, the pattern is the
opposite: Having more wealth makes one less capable, not more. For
the cushion of wealth makes one soft, out of touch with the world and
the people within it. It is also morally numbing. As one study
pointed out, the obscenely wealthy have far less empathy for the
average worker, the greater the wealth they have.
The effect of
penalizing idle wealth will not be to “punish success.” Most
wealth is either inherited or created by a combination of luck and
favorable government laws. Penalizing idle wealth spurs investment
and charitable donations. In Europe, the ideal of noblesse oblige
says that nobility must give one sixth of their income to charity. In
Muslim tradition, alms for the poor is one of the central pillars of
the faith, requiring the giving away of up to a tenth of not just
your income, but all your wealth.
But American elites
as a group are not very generous. As income in America goes up,
the proportion given to charity generally goes down. Phil Knight,
for example, had as his sole “charity” to have a sports stadium
and business school built at his old university named after him. Let
this proposal become the American version of noblesse oblige, an
obligation for elites to do good instead of self-aggrandizement, more
power, and ever increasing unequal wealth.
“2. All
attempts to conceal wealth to avoid taxes shall result in prosecution
as grand larceny, full seizure of not just concealed wealth but all
wealth, and long prison sentences which may not be suspended.
Separate white collar prisons, or other prisons that are less arduous
or harsh, are forbidden, and all white collar criminals must be
punished and imprisoned with all other prisoners.”
More than $21
trillion in concealed wealth is hidden overseas, about one and a half
the value of the entire US economy. And that's the low estimate. The
highest is $31 trillion. American wealth is roughly one tenth of
that, $2.1 trillion.
Over $2 trillion in
untaxed wealth is a theft and crime that Pablo Escobar could only
dream about. Most hidden wealth is not from criminals, but from
“respectable” sources. Nearly three fourths of the Fortune 500
top corporations routinely hide huge amounts. Apple alone hides
over $180 billion. American corporate criminals, were they to pay
up, owe the nation up to $620 billion. That loss weakens the
nation and society, treats with contempt the average honest person
and the system we all live under. The wealthiest in America clearly
show they have always been the least patriotic of people.
Such concealed
wealth should be immediately declared by elites and taxed, so that
they may avoid having it all seized and then having to serve a
lengthy prison sentence. If they fail to, then the entire $2.1
trillion should be seized outright, and elites hunted down wherever
on the globe they hide out, and then imprisoned. Al Capone was
sentenced to 11 years in federal prison, serving much of that time in
Alcatraz, for evading income tax on perhaps $100 million. There is no
just reason similar elite criminals cannot serve similar sentences
for concealing similar amounts, and do equally similar hard time.
Elite thieves should be tracked down by the likes of the US Marshals,
no different than other criminals.
Treating wealthy
elites differently from other criminals once they are imprisoned also
must be ended. Some current white collar prisons have wooded parks in
them. Prisoners get routine net access and email. Most get generous
visits from family, with prisoners getting to choose a prison close
to their family. Some white collar “prisons” allow prisoners to
spend their days outside the facility. One in Pensacola even allows
prisoners to go to a local movie theater.
This is obviously
unjust. Let the fear of hard conditions, including the fear of other
prisoners, become one more deterrent designed to make wealthy elite
criminals honest. Let us stop the practice of being soft on crime
when it is being done by those in $20,000 suits. Wall Street
criminals should face justice no differently than those on Main
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