13-No Special Treatment for Wealthy Elites
“1. Government
assistance only goes to those in need and corporate welfare is
forbidden. No person or corporation, nor any trust or legal entity
used by a person or corporation, shall receive government assistance
or funding unless they make less than double the median national
income and possess less than double the median national wealth.”
Quite a few wealthy
elites, and quite a few with passionate hatred for the working class,
argue that poor people receiving government assistance suffer from
dependency, laziness, and a lack of a moral code. The most hateful
depict those in poverty as leeches, bums, and bloated off of a few
hundred dollars a month in aid to live. Yet seemingly none or at
least few of the same people make the same argument about wealthy
elites, especially corporations. If welfare supposedly is morally
harmful to a single mother, what about CEOs? Bankers? What about
entire corporations dependent on government? How is that not far more
offensive, obscene, counterproductive, and useless?
Such an argument
must be turned on its head: Those with the wealth to already support
themselves get no government aid, ever. Only those in need do. The
Green Party platform has long included a variation on this proposal:
No corporate welfare, period. But their proposal does not prevent
wealthy or well off individuals from receiving such welfare. It also
prevents small business loans, which provide far more jobs than the
giant corporations. Blocking all corporate welfare would also include
loans or tax holidays to infant industries, where innovation most
often begins.
Government should
not be used to redistribute wealth upwards, from the middle and
working classes to the already wealthiest elites and others who are
at least well off. There should be means testing, and the simplest
test is that aid only goes to those in need, best measured by wealth
and income. It's best, though, to err on the side of caution. Thus
the proposed standard, double the median (not average) income and
median wealth as well. Since wealth and income in America are both
distributed very unevenly, using the average would skew the numbers
Sports stadiums,
built at public expense that benefit already wealthy team owners,
would be barred in the future unless the team owners pay for them
entirely. Current team owners would have to repay every penny of
public money spent for stadiums on their behalf. Agribusiness
subsidies to not grow food come to an immediate end, unless they were
part of the shrinking number of small family farms. The auto industry
loans, both the entire US industry in 2009 and of Chrysler in 1979,
would also have been barred.
Incompetently run
industries should be allowed to fail, or the government buys them out
very cheaply at market rates and then either sells them off in
pieces, or make them publicly owned and run for public purposes, not
for profit. (For example, the US auto industry could have been put to
researching and making cheaper autos run solely on alternatives to
fossil fuels.) If the failure of an industry or large corporation
will cause huge job losses, obviously the best option would be for
the government to sell them off in pieces, but make a condition of
their sale that as many of the employees as possible keep their jobs
or receive pensions or generous severance. Any government assistance
should go to helping workers hold onto their jobs, or finding other
work or being retrained, not to rewarding wealthy elites for failure.
British history
shows us many examples of the failures of “lemon socialism.”
There the state took over failing industries, and it usually only
benefited incompetent elites by bailing them out no differently than
welfare for capitalists. Workers at industries like coal and
railroads were not helped much. Huge cutbacks were still made, only
with government now being blamed and public ownership discredited.
The failed bailout
of the banks in the 2000s (failed in the sense that the public was
not helped, only the banks), and the successful bailouts of the
savings and loans in the 1980s (successful in the sense of greatly
lowering the cost of the bailout), would both have been barred with
this proposed article. The two options to save the banks and savings
and loans, as in other cases, would be to either seize them and make
them publicly owned, or seize them and break them up and sell them
off. A third option also exists, one better for the average
non-wealthy depositor, turn the banks into credit unions.
What happened
instead was that banks received an obscene secret bailout of over
$7 trillion (on top of the public bailout of
$700 billion), equal to half the value of the whole US economy. Obama
and his administration, made up of executives from the likes of
Goldman Sachs, naively imagined banks would lend out their new
government money. Instead, much of it was lent back to the federal
government. These banks received an insanely low interest rate of
0.01%, then loaned the federal government's own money back
to the government at 5% interest, making tens of billions. The
economy recovered unevenly, no thanks to either federal or wealthy
elite practices.
One more area of
assistance needs to be changed, aid to the elderly. Social Security
and Medicare must be means tested, much like Medicaid is now. Those
with more than double the median income or wealth do not deserve it.
“2. All
government loans or tax deferrals or holidays or other benefits to
corporations or business must be repaid, with interest at market
rates. All facilities built even partly to benefit or profit private
businesses or individuals must be paid for by those businesses or
individuals equal to the benefits or profits received.”
Facilities includes
not just stadiums and sports complexes, but anything that benefits in
large part private businesses, from highways to the internet to
airports to the maintenance and regulation of public airwaves to
state subsidized education to train workers for private industries,
e.g. the nuclear power industry receiving most of its trained
workforce from the US military. Externalities, as pro capitalist
economists are fond of calling them, come to an end. For the layman,
an externality is anything whose cost can be passed along to the
public or the government, and the business avoids paying for it. The
practice comes down to “private profits, public losses.” It is
reverse Robin Hood at its worst.
For a safer
environment for us all, ending externalities will be a godsend.
Mining and some chemical industries have as standard practice to
pollute without consequence, declare bankruptcy, and expect the
cleanup to be done by the government and paid for by the public. This
is a government benefit by any reasonable standard. Now companies
will be required to pay for their pollution, or better yet, avoid it
in advance as cheaper than paying for cleanup later.
The huge giveaways
to corporations come to an end. Amazon has benefited from no sales
tax far beyond reason. Ideally it should have ended as soon as the
company turned a profit, back in the 1990s, and began paying sales
taxes either to the states where the items were bought, or the home
of their shipping centers. Trucking and shipping companies should be
paying all of their part for the upkeep of the public highways.
Broadcast networks should pay for the market value of the public
airwaves, on top of the cost of regulation, as cable companies should
pay for the entire market value of the use of public bandwidth and
cost of regulation.
Benefits also
clearly include government research that private industries profit
from. Companies would now have to pay back the government for the
cost of research. Intellectual property laws should also be severely
curtailed, though not ended entirely. A form of means testing would
keep the laws in place for artists such as independent filmmakers,
musicians, and authors, or those just starting out, but end such
protection for individuals once they attain a certain level of
wealth, and for all corporations. Thus while the struggling artist
remains protected, Hollywood and the recording industry are not.
Drug companies
would also lose their patents once they earn back the cost of
research. Industries with de facto or legally enforced monopolies,
such as cable networks and the football and baseball leagues, lose
such protections. For the consumer, prices will drop sharply.
But the biggest
benefit to the public will be longer lives, since medical treatment
and prescription prices will be greatly reduced. For the entire US
public, the next biggest benefit will be a far more thriving and
representative democracy since elites will no longer be using
government to enrich themselves at everyone else's expense.
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